Thursday, October 29, 2009

6. 5th post by RedState though not directly related to Addyson

Monday, July 24, 2006

Family Court is not Equipped to Deal w/Criminal Issues

It's simply wrong to say that if so-&-so is guilty, s/he'd be in jail.  For one thing, we all can recount many public cases which ended in no conviction, or a conviction being turned over on a technicality that had nothing to do with the person's guilt or innocence.

The system is far more complex than that. Abusers often deflect criminal allegations by turning them into a "custody" issue if children are involved.  This can be done by filing for sole custody in response to a child's disclosures of abuse, or to a mother's allegations of domestic violence.

In the case of criminal allegations, if the accused is innocent, why doesn't the accused go to the police station and make a sworn statement?  Offer to take a polygraph?  Offer to assist with an investigation in any way possible?

Turning the situation into a "custody battle" is a tactical way to cast doubt on a child's, or an (ex)spouse's, disclosures.  Most importantly, it is a way to bring Parental Alienation Syndrome into the picture to cloud the issue.  You can't allege PAS in criminal court, but you can in family court. (However, that's starting to change, now that the National Council of Juvenile  and Family Court Judges has come out against the use of PAS).

Anyone who knows anything about criminal cases that involve families of divorce knows how unwilling public agencies (CPS, police) are to get involved.  "That's what family courts are for," they say. However, family court is NOT equipped to deal with criminal issues in any substantive way.

Family court uses court-appointed psychologists to determine, essentially, how "likely" it is that such disclosures are true. That's pretty much the only standard family court uses. Is it "likely"?  Not very accurate, is it?  So of course, this creates a self-perpetuating cycle.  After family court dismisses allegations of abuse based on the use of PAS or sub-par forensic work, that allows CPS and police stations to refuse to follow up: "Well, family court didn't find anything,". CPS and the police aren't going to follow up on cases that have had findings made in another court, unless perhaps another round of disclosures follows later on. It's highly problematic.

posted by Txfeminist @ 8:15 AM


· At Mon Jul 24, 07:56:11 PM PDT, n said…
Agreed. It is highly problematic.First - CPS is supposed to be notified and act immediately. They are not allowed to defer a case 'because a custody dispute is ongoing'.  They are obligated to protect the child.  What is the status of their investigation?  A failure to act implies that they have decided that abuse did not occur when they may have simply neglected their job.  Second - The criminal justice system is also activated immediately on notification of a crime.  They proceed at a slower pace than CPS, but they are also obligated to proceed. What is the status of their investigation?  Did a Grand Jury hear the case?  Was there insufficient evidence to obtain an arrest?  An active criminal case should actually enjoin (is that the correct word) a family custody case on the same line on the grounds that it may undermine the criminal case.  The third problem in such cases is that both sides can procure experts who upon reviewing the case will come to completely different conclusions as to what happened.  Case in point: Mya George caseWrongful Death Suit Involving 3-Year-Old Advances ($8MM dollar verdict) {This one also begged the point as to whether State Senators should be allowed to sue the state} Their case should precede any dispute in custody courts.  It's simply wrong to say that if so-and-so is guilty, s/he'd be in jail.  For one thing, we all can recount many public cases which ended in no conviction, or a conviction being turned over on a technicality that had nothing to do with the person's guilt or innocence.  The system is far more complex than that.  Abusers often deflect criminal allegations by turning them into a "custody" issue if children are involved.  This can be done by filing for sole custody in response to a child's disclosures of abuse, or to a mother's allegations of domestic violence.  In the case of criminal allegations, if the accused is innocent, why doesn't the accused go to the police station and make a sworn statement? Offer to take a polygraph? Offer to assist with an investigation in any way possible?  Turning the situation into a "custody battle" is a tactical way to cast doubt on a child's, or an (ex)spouse's, disclosures.  Most importantly, it is a way to bring Parental Alienation Syndrome into the picture to cloud the issue.  You can't allege PAS in criminal court, but you can in family court. (However, that's starting to change, now that the National Council of Juvenile & Family Court Judges has come out against the use of PAS). Anyone who knows anything about criminal cases that involve families of divorce knows how unwilling public agencies (CPS, police) are to get involved.  "That's what family courts are for," they say.  However, family court is NOT equipped to deal with criminal issues in any substantive way.  Family court uses court-appointed psychologists to determine, essentially, how "likely" it is that such disclosures are true.  That's pretty much the only standard family court uses. Is it "likely"?  Not very accurate, is it?  So of course, this creates a self-perpetuating cycle.  After family court dismisses allegations of abuse based on the use of PAS or sub-par forensic work, that allows CPS and police stations to refuse to follow up: "Well, family court didn't find anything,".  CPS and the police aren't going to follow up on cases that have had findings made in another court, unless perhaps another round of disclosures follows later on.  It's highly problematic.

· At Tue Jul 25, 07:25:52 AM PDT, Txfeminist said…
CPS routinely dismisses issues that are tied up in family court.  Their opinion is that family court will "take care of it".  They are so overburdened with cases they're happy to hand stuff over, even though procedurally they're wrong to do so. Child sexual abuse cases are hard to prosecute. It depends on the age of the child, the clarity of his/her disclosures, other corroborating evidence. I have read of many cases prosecuted on the child's testimony alone. Generally those children are older than eight.  Younger children are perceived as less credible. CPS and other agencies can easily screw up when questioning the child, too.  If any line of questioning is considered "tainted" (there are VERY specific procedures for questioning a child about sexual abuse) it's not going to hold up in court.

· At Wed Jul 26, 08:49:44 PM PDT, N said…
...they are so overburdened with cases...  1) Why are they so overburdened?  2) What is the percentage of cases being ruled 'proven'?  CPS and other agencies can easily screw up when questioning the child and the concequences for everybody can be very severe.  On the false testimony of a 9 and 11 year old, this lady died.  Sarah Good - Hanged July 19, 1692 "Nine-year-old Elizabeth Parris and eleven-year-old Abigail Williams began to exhibit strange behavior, such as blasphemous screaming, convulsive seizures, trance-like states and mysterious spells.  Within a short time, several other Salem girls began to demonstrate similar behavior."exerted:
5. 4th post by RedState Feminist

Friday, July 21, 2006

Is Diane Snyder Buying Addyson's Clothes Now?

Because you know her attorney's fees were written up as a child support payment that Janay has to make. I don't get that. So I have a legal question for all the attorneys and judges who read my blog. How in the world can awarding the payment of attorney's fees to a respondent in a custody suit be written up as child support in the final order?

Janay said, "I have to pay ... $10,000 in attorneys fees (written up as some form of child support. I thought child support meant "To the child", not the child's abusive father's lawyer, DIANE SNYDER).

"Ten grand- that's a lot of child support. It's definitely above guideline for Janay's income, which was determined to be $800 a month. That would be $160 a month. So how can those funds legally be labeled child support, if they are going directly into Diane Snyder's pocket? It can't be about contempt of court enforcement, because I'm sure non-payment of fees awarded is contemptible. But what I'm thinking is this could be a way of getting the Attorney General involved if Janay is unable to pay it. It would be a way to keep Jamie from having to pay Diane Snyder to bring up enforcement to the court, it would just go through the AG's office. Then all sorts of "deadbeat parent" consequences could be rained down on Janay's head making her life even more impossible such as loss of driver's license, and various other things... not to mention the nice, hefty little interest payment she'd be responsible for as well as the original fees.

So, JAMIE ROSENTHAL gets to make some money off his own attorney fees? What a racket! You might as well be laundering money through an offshore account. Maybe Jamie Rosenthal, Diane Snyder, and Susan Rankin are going to split the interest three ways? With this system in place every time Jamie takes Janay back to court and the judge awards her with his attorney fees, he and his pals could make money off every hearing. Wow. Very sneaky, but I don't see how it can be legal. None of that money is being disbursed for the care of the child. Unless Diane Snyder's going to use some of that money to buy Addyson some clothes? I am very interested to hear if anyone has an answer on this.

Meanwhile, I'm off to re-read the TFC again to find anything in there about child support and/ or awarding payment of attorney's fees. Usually judges here don't even do attorney's fees. It's really rare. Which is also kind of a reason why my alarm bells are ringing on this one.
4. 3rd Post by RedState Feminist

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

A Plea for Addyson, Part 2

Yesterday Janay's and Addyson's abuser, Jamie Rosenthal, his father Steven Rosenthal; convicted abuser of domestic violence, and other family members found my post about Addyson's situation.  I know it was them, because I have proof.  Don't ask to see it.

They spent a large part of the day spewing vicious comments on my blog. I am grateful to all my online friends and readers for challenging them on their anger, hatred, bigotry and illogic. I really appreciate it. Whenever people say untrue things, they should be challenged. Whenever people make threats, they should be stood up to. However, comments are now closed, permanently, at the post below. ALL FURTHER COMMENTS WILL BE DELETED. Why?  Because I won't allow Jamie and his family, or any of his supporters, to continue to use my blog as a place to rant. They all "had their say", and now they are done. And that's that. Addyson still needs our help. Please consider making a donation to Justice for Children, who are handling the case. Every little bit helps.

posted by Txfeminist @ 8:00 AM

· At Wed Jul 19, 08:50:45 AM PDT, Txfeminist said…
Commenters, please note: THIS IS A VICTIM-SAFE COMMENT THREAD. No comments will be allowed which slander Janay or doubt Addyson's credibility. ALL ugly remarks will be DELETED. This is a thread for supportive comments ONLY! Thank you, Txfeminist

· At Wed Jul 19, 09:41:33 AM PDT, Stephanie said…
Donation is made. and I added a link to Justice for Children to my lj; hadn't heard of them before your first post about Addyson, so thanks. :-) I'll stick around and wait for updates-- glad you've got proof it was them.

· At Wed Jul 19, 09:51:55 AM PDT, Txfeminist said…
Stephanie, thanks so much. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.

· At Wed Jul 19, 11:48:55 AM PDT, Txfeminist said…
I'm not leaving any sarcastic, flaming, threatening remarks up in this thread. The only remarks that stay in this thread are comments that are supportive to Addyson and Janay. You can piss and moan all you like about "skewed truth", but the fact is that the "anonymous" trollsenthals had all day yesterday to make their case, and they made a huge botch of it.

· At Wed Jul 19, 11:49:01 AM PDT, adkay said…
Will donate as soon as I get paid! I read a few of the vicious comments made by Jamie's defenders. Threatening other commenters with rape... holy crap. Really nice folks. I can't wait to see their lawyers' faces when they find out what happened here.

· At Wed Jul 19, 11:50:46 AM PDT, Txfeminist said…
I know, really incredible, isn't it? THANK YOU so much for donating! :-)

· At Wed Jul 19, 12:11:11 PM PDT, Molester hater said…
It's good to have this safe space, to be sure. I'll check back and refer people frequently.I'm glad you left up the comments from the Part 1 of your post, though. It's important that people be able to read back over what was said in completely uncensored environment so that they may see with their own eyes what depraved depths Jamie, his family, and his supporters were willing to sink to. This is truly a great service, RSF. I'm glad this these posts lead me to your blog!

· At Wed Jul 19, 12:13:29 PM PDT, Txfeminist said…
don't worry. I kept all the comments I deleted from this thread. ;-)

· At Wed Jul 19, 12:56:04 PM PDT, Anonymous said…
 Was Jamie sexually abused by his Father, Steve? I do know that pedophilia tends to be a learned cycle of abuse.

· At Wed Jul 19, 01:16:00 PM PDT, ginmar said…
Yeah, that doesn't explain the guys who rape girls becuase they're easier to overpower.

· At Thu Jul 20, 12:41:12 AM PDT, Anonymous said…
Any child who discloses sexual abuse by their parent (in this case dad) would be better off living in a gutter with the rats than being silenced and kept as a prisoner by their abuser. This child doesn't need her name/identity protected. SHE/Addyson needs to be protected.

· At Thu Jul 20, 05:05:22 AM PDT, Txfeminist said…
N, I respect your concern for the child. In this case using her name is a way of breaking down the wall of secrecy and silence so many abused children are forced to endure.

· At Thu Jul 20, 05:08:44 AM PDT, Txfeminist said…
Capt DMO, of course, when people with the truth on their side are challenged to prove it, we defend the truth with logic, reason, evidence and facts. :-)

· At Thu Jul 20, 07:58:17 AM PDT, ginmar said…
Yeah, n, it would have been so much better for those people to drown slowly and in terror or suffocate as their respirators died than for them---the doctors are guilty----to have given them enough morphine to dull the pain and gently let them sleep away to death. You're being dishonest.
· At Thu Jul 20, 07:58:57 AM PDT, ginmar said…
if the doctors are guilty----Huh, isn't N one of those guys who's always whining about innocent till proven guilty?

· At Thu Jul 20, 08:38:10 AM PDT, Jon Bender said…
In response to 'Anonymous' - my father was not arrested for beating my mother in front of Addyson (you must be mistaking that for Jamie's father who was arrested for beating and choking his wife in 2003).  My father was having a diabetic seizure. The police were the first to respond (before the ambulance) and for his health and safety offered to take him to Presbyterian Hospital where his doctor is. Hats off to the fine officers of the Dallas Police Department for going out of their way to help someone in time of need.

· At Thu Jul 20, 10:50:27 AM PDT, Jon Bender said…
I am Addyson's uncle and Janay's brother. I would like to state several things here. Janay is not the problem. The Rosenthal family is. Don't believe me? Well all the things I'm going to mention here can be verified via the court records in the 301st Kangaroo Court or the Addison Police Dept. 1st point: Jamie Rosenthal is STILL under investigation by the Dallas District Attorney and Police for sexual molestation - Don't believe me? Call the cops - an open records request will show this. 2nd: Steven (Steve) Rosenthal has been charged and convicted last year with 3rd degree Felony Battery of his wife, Rena Rosenthal, and he plead this down to a Class A Family Violence assault and battery Misdemeanor by taking (and he had to admit his guilt) a batterer's intervention class. I have the photos from the Addison PD showing clearly the strangulation marks on his wife's throat, the broken nose and black eye the big man gave her.  This is also an open records request you can receive for a small fee at the Addison Police Dept. - I encourage you to check it out. My niece is living, not by her choice, but by placement by a morally corrupted and egocentric judge, Susan Rankin, with two bad persons; one is identified (Jamie) and one is a convicted (Steven) abuser. These two losers have made it their mission, to attempt to destroy my sister Janay's life and relationship with my niece. I have not seen my niece in a year, nor have Addyson's maternal grandparents. My Grandfather died at the age of 100 year old earlier this year without being able to see his Great Granddaughter. She was not allowed to come to the funeral (held here in Dallas) because Jamie Rosenthal, unethical attorney; Diane Snyder,  Judge Susan Rankin made sure she couldn't. Addyson was very sad and confused from what I was told. This is what a really great guy and big man would do right??  Of course! Give a golf clap to the worthless Judge (and I use the term loosely) as well! Also, My sister Janay has a $50,000 bond against her being able to see her daughter which the ACLU says is in violation of her civil rights. This was issued by the 301st Kangaroo Court courtesy of Judge Susan Rankin. Susan Ranking is a rotten, vindictive, worthless Judge that uses evidence in the style of Roland Freisler's Nazi 'Volksgerichtshof' or People's Court to render ridiculous or implausible sentencing upon helpless mothers. Let us hope she suffers a brain aneurysm or other medical malady soon that puts her in a semi-vegetative state so she can get a taste of how people feel after what she's unfairly and harshly meted out over the years. I've said my piece now and will close with the following statement: Jamie Rosenthal, you have abused my little niece in many ways and are a loser in life professionally and personally. Steve Rosenthal, you're a convicted wife beater - what a low thing to be. Verminous gutter snakes have more of a moral compass than you do . . . when judgment day comes I hope the hell hounds tear you apart as the Devil pours more gasoline on the hot fires of Hell you both should be burning in for perpetuity. Sign me - Absolutely Disgusted.

· At Thu Jul 20, 05:45:11 PM PDT, N said…
N, I respect your concern for the child. Thank you. In this case, it is not necessary to name the child because you can name the parent while still working to break down the walls of secrecy, et. al.  Granted, its not much protection using initials instead of the child's name. But considering how powerfull the computer searches are getting every little bit can help.Its not like this case will disappear if you do.

· At Thu Jul 20, 05:49:48 PM PDT, ginmar said…
I'm so sorry, Jon. We're on your side and the side, ultimately, of your neice and sister.

· At Fri Jul 21, 10:27:42 AM PDT, JanayAddysonsMother said…
Hello, I want to thank everyone who has been so supportive of my little girl and believing in us. I have NEVER lied, I am NOT a vindictive bitch, and I will prove these things in the following days.  Here goes...I am Janay. Anonymous, please back up everything you write. If you can't, how can we believe you?  You must be basing your comments off of what Jamie Rosenthal and Addyson's abuser told you. You have NO first hand knowledge of what transpired in court b/c Jamie did not have one supporter in court for him. A.) "So Janay's attempt at submitting bogus video that was edited was not as good as she thought…”Jamie Rosenthal did the ONLY editing that was done to the videos of Addyson disclosing abuse. Judge Susan Rankin of the 301st court in Dallas states in a written ruling (I don't have the ruling in front of me so, this is not verbatim) that mother cannot use any evidence, offensively or defensively but father can use bits and pieces. RULE 107. RULE OF OPTIONAL COMPLETENESS.  When part of an act, declaration, conversation, writing or recorded statement is given in evidence by one party, the whole on the same subject may be inquired into by the other, and any other act, declaration, writing or recorded statement which is necessary to make it fully understood or to explain the same may also be given in evidence, as when a letter is read, all letters on the same subject between the same parties may be given. "Writing or recorded statement" includes depositions. Anonymous, I am sure YOU are NOT an expert on child sexual abuse (please correct me if I am wrong) therefore; YOU have no business commenting on something you know nothing about but, if you insist, I will respond. If you had a clue about that which you write then you would not be referring to the videos as “bogus”.  Please research and/or contact the following people who have so much more credibility than you who believe Addyson's statements before you pop off with your ignorant remarks again. Additionally, if Judge Rankin wasn’t so unethical, had followed the law and let these experts testify, I feel quite certain that the jury would not have given Child Molester Jamie R. custody of Addyson.

1.) DR. PAUL FINK MD., prominent psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and speaker. He is a past-president of the American Psychiatric Association and the founder and current president of the Leadership Council .  Dr. Fink is a Professor of Psychiatry at Temple Univ. School of Medicine & Chairman of the American Psychiatric Association's Task Force on Psychiatric Aspects of Violence. He has extensive leadership experience and is considered an expert in program development and enhancement. Dr. Fink has served as the president of numerous organizations including the American Psychiatric Assoc. (APA), the American College of Psychiatrists, the National Association for Psychiatric Healthcare Systems, the Philadelphia County Medical Society, and the American Assoc. of Chairmen of Departments of Psychiatry. He served as both Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at Albert Einstein Medical Center and Associate Vice President of the Albert Einstein Healthcare Network. He founded and directed the Einstein Center for the Study of Violence and is a co-founder and past president of the Greater Philadelphia Health Care Congress. Dr. Fink currently serves on a variety of committees having to do with issues of youth violence. He helped found the Children's Emotional Response Team in Philadelphia and chairs the Youth Homicide Subcommittee of the Philadelphia Youth Fatality Review Team. He also chairs the Philadelphia County Medical Society Subcommittee on Youth, and serves on the Board of the Philadelphia Health Management Corporation, and the Philadelphia Board of Health. Dr. Fink is co-editor of the books, The Stigma of Mental Illness (American Psychiatric Press, 1992) and Misinformation Concerning Child Sexual Abuse and Adult Survivors (Haworth Press, 2002), and has authored of over 190 articles. He has been the recipient of a number of national awards including the APA's Vestermark Award and the Francis J. Braceland Award for Public Service. In 1999, the Philadelphia County Medical Society selected Dr. Fink as Physician of the Year.

2.) DR. BOB GEFFNER Ph.D., is: Founder and President of the Family Violence and Sexual Assault Institute in San Diego, CA, and President of Alliant International University's Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma. He is also Acting Director of Alliant's Center of Forensic Studies; Clinical Research Professor of Psychology at the California School of Professional Psychology, Alliant International University; Licensed Psychologist and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in California and Texas; Editor-in-Chief of Haworth's Maltreatment and Trauma Press, which also includes being the Editor of three internationally disseminated journals (Journal of Child Sexual Abuse and Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma, and co-editor of Journal of Emotional Abuse); and former clinical director of a large private practice mental health clinic in East Texas for over 15 yrs. He has a Diplomate in Clinical Neuropsychology and one in Family Psychology. He served as an adjunct faculty member for the National Judicial College for 10 yrs, and was a former Professor of Psychology at the Univ. of Tx. at Tyler for 16 yrs. He has also been a researcher and consultant during the past 25 years. Publications include recent treatment manuals (e.g., Treatment of Women Arrested for Domestic Violence: Women Ending Abusive/Violent Episodes Respectfully - WEAVER Manual, 2002, with M. Koonin & A Cabarcas; Ending Spouse/Partner Abuse: A Psychoeducational Approach for Individuals & Couples, 2000, with C. Mantooth), edited books concerning family violence and child maltreatment (e.g., Identifying and Treating Youth Who Sexually Offend, 2004, with K. Franey, T. Arnold, & R. Falconer; Effects of Intimate Partner Violence on Children, 2003, with R. Igelman and J. Zellner; Domestic Violence Offenders, 2002, with A. Rosenbaum; Bullying Behavior: Research, Interventions, & Prevention, 2001, with M. Loring & C. Young; The Cost of Child Maltreatment: Who Pays? We All Do, 2001, with K. Franey & R. Falconer; Children Exposed to Domestic Violence, 2000, with P. Jaffe & M. Sudermann), and numerous book chapters, journal articles and research papers concerning family violence, sexual assault, child abuse, family and child psychology, custody issues, forensic psychology, neuropsychology and diagnostic assessment. He has also served on several national and state committees dealing with various aspects of family psychology, family violence, child abuse, and family law. He has presented over 450 keynote addresses, plenaries, workshops, and seminars at international, national, regional, and state conferences or meetings.

3.) DR. ELI NEWBERGER MD., is a pediatrician and author of many influential works on child abuse, he teaches at Harvard Medical School and founded the Child Protection Team and the Family Development Program at Children's Hospital in Boston . He is the author of The Men They Will Become: The Nature & Nurture of Male Character, and is recognized as is a leading figure in the movement to improve the protection and care of children. From his research and practice he has derived a philosophy that focuses on the strength and resilience of parent-child relationships, and a practice oriented to compassion and understanding, rather than blame and punishment.

4.) DR. JOY SILBERG PhD., is the Coordinator of Trauma Disorder Services for Children at Sheppard Pratt Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, and past president for the International Society for the Study of Dissociation. In addition to her role as a clinician, Dr. Silberg is an Associate Editor for The Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, and sits on the editorial board of the Journal of Trauma Practice. Dr. Silberg is the recipient of the Walter P. Klopfer Award, 1992, for outstanding research contribution and the Cornelia Wilbur Award, 1997, for clinical excellence. She is the editor of The Dissociative Child (Sidran Press, 1996/1998) and co-editor of the book Misinformation Concerning Child Sexual Abuse and Adult Survivors (Haworth Press, 2002). She has presented at 100s of professional conferences and conducts training workshops around the world on the treatment of traumatized and dissociative children. She has authored approximately 20 professional articles and book chapters.


B.) Getting family to lie in open court didn’t even work, bummer.I will respond to this when you state the exact things my family lied about in court. In actuality, the only people who lied in court were Jamie and his father, Steven Barry Rosenthal. I will prove the lies in the coming days. 

Please check beginning Sunday. I will show documents

C.) I have a question what about the contempt of court citations she received;

I will respond soon.

D.) what about the attorney Ducote and Justice for Children and their relationship with an attorney named Richard Ducote of PA,? This guy is wantd in more places than ice water in hell.

I will respond soon.

E.) Don’t you think she’d be better off asking for money for some counseling for herself so she could live and cope in the real world and not in her fantasy world?

I have been in counseling (since the 2nd time that Jamie Rosenthal punched me - Dec. 2000) at The Family Place, a women and children’s DV center.

E.) What happened to all the money she made taking your daughter out of state and out of school to be a model in New York, did she spend it all on pretty clothes? Come to reality before its too late."

1.) Addyson is not just HIS daughter

2.) I will post our divorce decree at the above site, which will show that this was going to be a part of her life. Jamie R. had no problem with her being “out of state” in fact he said (I have audio tape) if I didn’t make him give me ½ ($3,000) of the IRS return then he didn’t care how long we stayed in NYC. F.Y.I. Jamie R. foraged my signature on our tax return & the refund check. I have proof of this too.

3.) - We went primarily in the summer. - Addyson did miss the first week of preschool, but Addyson ALSO was also on the set of Sesame Street, at Nickelodeon, and recording a voice over for a Barney DVD. - 4 year olds are not required to be in school. Some don’t even attend preschool and some go to 3 times a week.

4.) Every cent Addyson earned was put in an account. I would love to see an account of what money is left since Judge Rankin made me turn it all over to Jamie R.  This is a guy who used to steal money from Addyson’s piggybank…No joke.

5.) I should “come to reality before it’s too late”?

Let me share a bit of reality with you all.
Jamie R. did the following:- Addyson won a national contest to be on the shoeboxes of Buster Brown Shoes, a trip to NYC for the photo shoot, and receive a $5,000 savings bond for college. He tells Addyson to have fun at the photo shoot (I have audio tape). The day after she was done with the shoot, Jamie had his lawyer contact Buster Brown and had her disqualified. Claiming he never agreed to let her do it (I have audio tape). We had to return the college savings bond.- Addyson was so excited to be on several episodes of Sesame Street.  A few days after she told Jamie R. about it, he contacted them and harassed them & threatened them.  She was never on Sesame Street. These are just 2 examples of many ways Jamie Rosenthal terrorized us.

· At Fri Jul 21, 10:37:15 AM PDT, Txfeminist said…
What's of huge importance here , regarding the last two or three posts, is this: Look at what this mother has had to GO through in attempting to protect her child.  Look how badly the courts have treated her and her child for daring to bring up the father's abuse. and yet, Mom is still working through the system to change her child's circumstances.  She's not pulling a Darren Mack and shooting the judge.  What she's gone through is a million times worse than what Mack, and other guys like him, have experienced.  What happened to Mack?  Oh, he got joint custody.  What did he do?  Oh, he murdered his wife and shot the judge.  A completely ABNORMAL reaction to a normal divorce outcome. and on the other end of the spectrum we have a mother who's been vilified, pathologized and excommunicated from her child's life - for what? for trying to protect her.  You don't see her "Snapping", do you?  NO. She's simply trying to fix via legal channels the enormous mistakes that have been made in this case and trying, still, to protect her child.  Any justification of "snapping" based on harsh treatment in court is just plain old bullshit.

· At Fri Jul 21, 11:19:40 AM PDT, JanayAddysonsMother said…

Written by one of the expert witnesses in my case.

I found it on Ginmar's blog:

Thank you for standing up for my little girl Ginmar. {{{Hugs}}}

· At Fri Jul 21, 08:52:46 PM PDT, ginmar said…
Don't thank me. Pay it forward. Help someone else.

· At Sat Jul 22, 08:29:43 PM PDT, Dave Johnson said…
I am curious how many of you are actually attorneys?  Lot's of speculation here. The mother will never feel justified until she has the kid full time. Then we can all start to whine and cry for the father. It is a non-ending cycle. Pretty sad overall.

· At Sat Jul 22, 08:39:40 AM PDT, JanayAddysonsMother said…
There is no speculation on my part, Dave.  I have proof and can back up every single thing I say.  If you read this blog you would know that it was dad, NOT me, who filed for sole custody....that is once he got caught....

· At Sat Jul 22, 09:03:50 PM PDT, Anonymous said…
Uh, Dave Johnson,Don't read anywhere where mom wanted full custody. Actually, don't think this is about custody.  Seems to be about a system that failed to protect a victim.  This doesn't seem to be a mom/dad issue. Don't you get it???  "Victim" is forced to live with "perp"??  If it were anyone but "dad", the guys sorry ass would be in jail. OR at least a million miles away from the victim.

· At Sun Jul 23, 05:13:06 AM PDT, solgoldberg said…
If there were any hard evidence of the fathers guilt, he would be in jail. Our system is not THAT flawed. For the mothers story to be correct, police, lawyers, judges & everyone else would have to been in on the inpropriety. Why is it that Janay is the only one claiming these things? I also found it interesting that in Janays' rant she did not mention the alleged abuse in detail as she did Addyson missing Sesame Street. Hm, really opens my eyes as to what she is really pissed about. No meal ticket anymore perhaps? If she were telling the truth, she would have at LEAST mentioned the butt sniffing allegation. She is a woman scorned that has gone too far in the story now to turn back. No she HAS to follow through with the story or look like a liar to every legitimate group she gained the trust of.The saddest thing about Janay is that she is taking advantage or real victims of abuse who are zealous & willing to fight for her because of former abuse themselves. Janay has supporters because of her exploitation of real victims. Isnt it interesting that they are the only ones who believe her? Shame to Janay fo using a real victims group to support her scorned quest for vengeance. SHAME SHAME JANAY!

· At Mon Jul 24, 07:33:33 AM PDT, Txfeminist said…
Sol Goldberg (or whoever) You're simply wrong when you say if so-and-so is guilty, he'd be in jail.  The system is far more complex than that, and the father in this case deflected the whole issue into a "custody" issue when he filed for sole custody in response to the child's disclosures.  After all, if he's so INNOCENT -- why didn't he go on down to the police station and make a sworn statement?  Offer to take a polygraph?  Further, he originally agreed the child HAD been molested, but by "someone else". He turned the issue into a "custody battle"- which is odd, since he'd originally agreed to joint custody with Mom as primary caregiver in their agreed divorce settlement nearly 2 years prior to the child's disclosures.  Turning the situation into a "custody battle" was a tactical way to cast doubt on the child's disclosures. It was a way to bring Parental Alienation Syndrome into the picture to cloud the issue.  Anyone who knows anything about criminal cases that involve families of divorce knows how unwilling public agencies (CPS, police) are to get involved.  "That's what family court's for," they say. However, family court is NOT equipped to deal with criminal issues in any substantive way. Instead they use court appointed pyschologists to determine, essentially, how "likely" it is that such disclosures are true.  That's pretty much the only standard family court uses.  Is it "likely"? Not very accurate, is it?  So of course, this creates a self-perpetuating cycle.  After family court dismisses allegations of abuse based on the use of PAS or faulty forensic work, that allows CPS and police stations to not follow up:  "Well, family court didn't find anything,". It's highly problematic.
3. 2nd post by RedState Feminist.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Addyson Rosenthal: Press Release

Dear Friends,

A while back I blogged a case in which Mom lost all visitation because she brought to the court her child's outcry of sexual abuse at the hands of her own father. It has been over a year since this child, ADDYSON ROSENTHAL, has seen her mother, JANAY. Her mother never did anything to harm her in any way, in fact, she tried her best to protect her and keep her safe. She has urgent need of funds in order to appeal her ruling. You can donate here. This is the most recent press release regarding the situation.

PRESS RELEASE-- Justice For Children
On June 28, 2005 at 2:00 pm, Addyson Rosenthal was removed from her mother for the first time in her young life. For reasons unknown, Dallas County Judge Susan Rankin and her associate Scott Beauchamp removed 5 year old Addyson from her mother.  For the past year, this little girl has been left in the sole custody of a man who has been abusing her sexually, emotionally and; physically: her father, JAMIE ROSENTHAL. Until the time of Addyson’s reports of abuse, JAMIE ROSENTHAL had never sought primary custody, nor ever stated any concern for Addyson’s welfare while under her mother’s constant care.

Janay Bender Rosenthal and JAMIE ROSENTHAL separated after a 4 year marriage marked by Jamie’s violent, controlling behavior, forced sex from his wife while she held their newborn daughter, and his disturbing sexual anal fetishes. Two months after JAMIE ROSENTHAL started to have exclusive overnight access to Addyson, and four months before the divorce became final, Addyson reported that her father had been sexually inappropriate with her; she subsequently made other disclosures to her mother and counselors, describing grossly inappropriate knowledge of, and contact with, her father’s anus and penis. These statements came from Addyson herself, and have been documented by her mother and various therapists. Remarkably, Addyson remains in her abuser’s sole custody, despite ample, objective evidence of sexual abuse – evidence the family court continues to ignore.

Justice for Children (JFC) and their general counsel, Tom Burton, has taken on this case by representing Addyson’s mother and protective parent Janay Bender Rosenthal. Addyson’s mother has suffered what amounts to a de facto termination of her parental rights.  The bias and corruption of the court system is shocking in its decimation of basic civil rights of both mother and daughter. Judge Rankin ruled that Janay had “alienated” Addyson from her father, apparently by believing that Addyson’s statements were true and taking reasonable steps to protect her daughter and document the reports of abuse. Rankin further stated that it was Janay’s “enmeshment” with her daughter that led to the supposed alienation and Janay’s insistence that Addyson was telling the truth.

The language in Rankin’s ruling is based on an erroneous belief that child sexual abuse is rare; it tracks the flawed logic of an invalid and scientifically unfounded syndrome, Parental Alienation ‘Syndrome’ or PAS. Proponents of PAS argue that child abuse is very rare, that children are not credible, and that a child’s outcry is invalid and improperly motivated – allegedly at the urging of an ‘alienating’ parent. The fallacy of PAS is its circular logic, in that it assumes what it seeks to prove (child abuse did not occur).

The claim that children are rarely abused is flatly contradicted by facts and undisputed statistics: nationwide, one of out of every 10 boys, and 2 out of every 10 girls, will be victims of sexual abuse. Due to bureaucratic inefficiency and staggering caseloads, CPS often fails to validate or ‘substantiate’ reports of abuse. The status of a case as unsubstantiated does not imply falsity, but rather incompetence and system failure. As an example, more than half of the children who are murdered in our country have been previously known to the systems designed to protect them. We will never know the number of children who are molested, but don’t die, who were known to the system. No one should have the false notion that child abuse is rare –this all too common reality goes unseen by an unaware public. Nor are the courts and child welfare professionals immune from ignorance.

Indeed, a 12 member jury, unaware of Addyson’s harsh reality due to the judge throwing out all mothers evidence, experts, and even the D.A. who came to testify that she believed that the father had molested this child, gave JAMIE custody based on incomplete evidence and  the overt bias of Judge Rankin. The jury chose to believe a comfortable lie rather than the uncomfortable truth. JAMIE ROSENTHAL is the undeserving beneficiary of an incompetent child welfare system, which gave him sole custody of his young victim, cutting off her access to any protection or justice. A tragic irony in this case is that Addyson's mother was accused of “coaching” her child to report abuse. In point of fact, “coaching” is often used to keep children from reporting true abuse, as opposed to fabricating false allegations. Child abuse victims are known as children of the secret for this very reason.

Beyond injustice, Judge Rankin has added insult to injury by requiring Janay to post a $50,000 cash bond before she will even be allowed to see Addyson. Janay was persecuted and put on trial for attempting to protect her child, and the persecution continues. JFC is requesting a new trial by a new judge, and a thorough, competent criminal investigation into the alleged abuse. Imagine how Addyson feels in the face of an uncaring and unjust system that should have protected her.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

1. ADDYSON ROSENTHAL: A Little Girl's Unconscionable Torture In America; no less, her father's home

I am ADDYSON's mother, JANAY BENDER ROSENTHAL. Thank you all so much for your support of ADDYSON and me.

I have not yet had the chance to read all the comments at
Red State Feminist that were written in response to Txfeminist’s posts about ADDYSON’s situation but, I will respond to each statement that is untrue. It may take a while so; I’d appreciate your patience. I plan to use this blog as a way to tell Addyson’s story with all the supporting evidence I possess.

ADDYSON has not seen me, anyone from our side of the family, or her friends in one year.


I will outline those reasons over the course of writing at this blog. I hope you will have a clear picture of the horrendous injustice my little girl has experienced after you’ve read her story...A Little Girl's Unconscionable Torture In America At The Hands Of Her Father.

I am glad that JAMIE ROSENTHAL'S family & friends finally have a place where they can view some of the evidence & hear the facts that they most likely have never been told about. Hopefully, they will rethink their position as to whether or not they truly feel ADDYSON should be left in the hands of the only person she has ever said has hurt her, JAMIE ROSENTHAL; her father.

Before I begin responding, I would like to share with you an important aspect of this horrific situation.

This is not a "custody battle".

In fact, custody had never been an issue for JAMIE ROSENTHAL. At least not until the day JAMIE found out that his young victim began to talk and he was now...caught.

Suddenly, JAMIE ROSENTHAL went for sole custody.

-I asked the court to have him supervised until we could figure this all out.
(I have the motion to prove this).

-JAMIE on the other hand went for full custody immediately.
(I have the motion to prove this).

-JAMIE does everything possible to isolate Addyson from me, her mother.

Ask yourself why?

What kind of a person would suddenly do everything with in their power to completely isolate their child from their primary caregiver of 5 1/2 years if they didn’t have something very big to conceal?

I have various audiotapes of JAMIE stating things such as:

-If I didn’t make him give me my ½ of the tax return ADDYSON and I could stay out of town as long as I wanted.

-Since Addyson was sick, she should be at home with me because that is where she would want to be.

-It’s not worth it to me (JAMIE) to get on a plane & see her for “just 1 day”.

JAMIE never took all of his visitations and always returned ADDYSON early.

My point is:

That since June 15, 2004, the day we signed the divorce decree, JAMIE ROSENTHAL had no issues with me being her primary caregiver (approximately 1 ½ yrs.).

As I said above, it wasn’t until JAMIE got caught, that all of a sudden he did & does everything to ‘silence the messengers’, JANAY and ADDYSON.

If anyone responds to me in a rude, vulgar, mean, inappropriate, etc… way, I will not respond. If you have a legitimate question or comment, I will respond.

In my next post, I will start to lay out the facts of this appalling situation. I will disprove the lies and present the evidence.