Thursday, October 29, 2009

5. 4th post by RedState Feminist

Friday, July 21, 2006

Is Diane Snyder Buying Addyson's Clothes Now?

Because you know her attorney's fees were written up as a child support payment that Janay has to make. I don't get that. So I have a legal question for all the attorneys and judges who read my blog. How in the world can awarding the payment of attorney's fees to a respondent in a custody suit be written up as child support in the final order?

Janay said, "I have to pay ... $10,000 in attorneys fees (written up as some form of child support. I thought child support meant "To the child", not the child's abusive father's lawyer, DIANE SNYDER).

"Ten grand- that's a lot of child support. It's definitely above guideline for Janay's income, which was determined to be $800 a month. That would be $160 a month. So how can those funds legally be labeled child support, if they are going directly into Diane Snyder's pocket? It can't be about contempt of court enforcement, because I'm sure non-payment of fees awarded is contemptible. But what I'm thinking is this could be a way of getting the Attorney General involved if Janay is unable to pay it. It would be a way to keep Jamie from having to pay Diane Snyder to bring up enforcement to the court, it would just go through the AG's office. Then all sorts of "deadbeat parent" consequences could be rained down on Janay's head making her life even more impossible such as loss of driver's license, and various other things... not to mention the nice, hefty little interest payment she'd be responsible for as well as the original fees.

So, JAMIE ROSENTHAL gets to make some money off his own attorney fees? What a racket! You might as well be laundering money through an offshore account. Maybe Jamie Rosenthal, Diane Snyder, and Susan Rankin are going to split the interest three ways? With this system in place every time Jamie takes Janay back to court and the judge awards her with his attorney fees, he and his pals could make money off every hearing. Wow. Very sneaky, but I don't see how it can be legal. None of that money is being disbursed for the care of the child. Unless Diane Snyder's going to use some of that money to buy Addyson some clothes? I am very interested to hear if anyone has an answer on this.

Meanwhile, I'm off to re-read the TFC again to find anything in there about child support and/ or awarding payment of attorney's fees. Usually judges here don't even do attorney's fees. It's really rare. Which is also kind of a reason why my alarm bells are ringing on this one.

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